Jiří Travěnec

Deputy Director for Technology (1) | Assistent and PhD student (2) | Programmer and innovator at night | Full-time father and husband

My team and I take care of IT and AV technologies at the Simulation Centre. Our goal is to provide the highest quality teaching and to be prepared to meet the above and beyond demands that our colleagues have in store for us.

We are developing our own resource management applications, working on 3D printing, silicone moulding, and investing energy in audio-visual production. We are constantly looking for innovation and striving to create the simulation centre of the future.

I write about:

  • Interesting news from the world of IT, AV and Simulation Technology
  • Programming, servers and infrastructure
  • My PhD research

(1) at the the Simulation Centre of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University

(2) at the Department of Simulation Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University